Bowery Boost

Customized sales & marketing intelligence for e-commerce.

We will customize your business intelligence needs so you do not spend time aggregating and analyzing data in excel spreadsheets. Our AI will let you know the main reasons behind the changes in your revenue.

Charts That Explain "The Why"








Last Period

+9.38% Spend

-40.43% CAC

-16.65% AOV

+0.14% R.Customer

External Changes

This Period

Our charts visualize why revenue fluctuations happens and allows you to understand and take action not only based on how your metrics look, but also how it compares to your industry.

Our in-house analytics solution, Boostify, has been developed with our clients’ needs at the forefront, incorporating years of valuable feedback to identify the most critical data points for enabling e-commerce brands to scale efficiently and sustainably. We deliver comprehensive data and intuitive dashboards designed to facilitate informed decision-making and foster business growth.

Compare your metrics to category norms.

Get answers to questions like: Is the change in my metrics only happening to me or is part of bigger category trends? Is 3.2% on-site converions rate good or bad? Is my FB CPA in line with other brands in the same category. With our norms, you will easily pin point where to focus in your customer life cycle.

Quantify the performance of each channel in your marketing mix

Take your revenue and break it down by marketing channel. You will know exactly which channel is driving how much revenue. Boostify will also quantify your baseline revenue, the part of revenue that is attiributed to your brand equity in the absence of marketing.


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